Missing Teenage Girl Accidentally Found after two Years
Daphne Westbrook was apparently kidnapped and drugged by her father, while she was on her way to the beach found seemingly safe and well after cops stumbled.
For two years a teenage girl who went missing has been found completely by accident after cops pulled her over with a broken tail light.
According to the reports, Daphne Westbrook, now 18, went missing two years ago when her father purportedly drugged and kidnapped her.
On Friday, a police officer pulled over a car at around 1:30 am in the city of Samson in Alabama due to an expired tag and broken light.
After running Daphne into police computers, the officer on the scene made the extraordinary discovery of who they had accidentally pulled over.
According to a statement from Samson Police Department explained that following the encounter, Daphne was supposed to be ‘in no danger and stated that she required no help in any way.
Authorities have stated that they think her dad John Westbrook drugged her and then held her against her will.
The local authority in the county where Daphne was informed missing had still been seeking her father at the time she was found.
The office wrote that: “We are thankful that Daphne is safe and no longer being held by her father.
“It is especially gratifying to be able to tell her mom that Daphne is free and no longer being hidden”.
“This doesn’t change our goal to find and prosecute John Westbrook.”
Police interrogations to find Daphne’s father John Westbrook is continue, with the department hoping to find and sue him for the testimony for the kidnapping of his daughter.