Prince Harry

Prince Harry and William’s feud could be intensified by Kate Middleton

Harry and William are having a feud and one of them must take the first step towards settlement, not a third person.

Even if in the family Kate Middleton is seen as a kind of peacemaker, her meddling in the relationship between Princess Diana’s boys will not be beneficial. Neil Wilkie, the psychotherapist and relationship expert, also agrees with that.

According to Free News, Keith sought to reunite Harry and William at Prince Philip’s funeral in April. The Duchess of Cambridge was overheard conversing with her husband’s brother, so she left the princes alone to converse. However, the meeting, which was held for the first time since Megsit, fell short of expectations.

Wilkie said in a comment for,

“One of them has to be brave enough to take the first step.”

The therapist emphasized that because the boys’ tension is so high, transformation must begin with a little step. Using other people as mediators is not a good idea because it will just make things worse – according to the source.

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