What To Do About Broken Blood Vessels On Your Skin
You’re ready to hit the beach or hang out by the pool, except for one problem — you notice you have broken blood vessels on your legs or face. While they are not dangerous or painful, some people may feel embarrassed about broken blood vessels or “spider veins”.
Broken blood vessels are common and usually occur on the legs or the face just beneath the skin. They typically break out into a web-like pattern as a result of the blood vessel becoming enlarged or dilated. There are a variety of reasons you can get broken blood vessels, and some are out of your control, such as genetics and changes in the weather.
Other causes of broken blood vessels, particularly in the face, include overexposure to the sun and drinking too much alcohol. Rosacea, a common skin issue, could also lead to broken blood vessels in the face (via Healthline).
Chances are you will be able to figure out on your own whether you have broken blood vessels, but you can visit your doctor if you want confirmation. Your doctor may also be able to suggest the best treatment.
Home remedies to prevent and treat broken blood vessels

While you can’t control things like your genetics and the weather, there are still some steps you can take to help prevent the onset of broken blood vessels. The experts at Medical News Today have some actionable advice.
For one, they suggest avoiding saunas since the high temperatures could lead to the dilation of your blood vessels. They also advise limiting sun exposure by applying sunscreen and wearing protective clothing.
The outlet also suggests certain home remedies that may help prevent or reduce the appearance of broken blood vessels. When it comes to your face, wash with warm or cool water instead of hot water to avoid damaging your blood vessels.
Similarly, applying a cold compress to your face could also help in preventing broken blood vessels or help them fade. Some people also respond well to applying aloe vera, witch hazel, or apple cider vinegar to reduce the appearance of spider veins.
Whatever method you choose, be sure to test the product on a small area of your skin first. While these suggestions are generally considered safe and unlikely to cause side effects, you want to make sure you don’t have any negative reactions, per Medical News Today.