Ways To Maintain Clear Glowing Face

Sometimes no matter how much you take care of your skin, it is just not enough to get that perfect spotless skin. Here are some simple skincare tips that will definitely help you get that beautiful, glowing skin. There is no golden key to get that clear skin. You just need to monitor your lifestyle, eating habits, and most importantly your skincare regimen.

Ways to Healthy Skin:

The first and most important step to get that healthy looking skin is to know your skin type. It will help you make well-informed decisions when you are buying beauty products.

Avoid eating fried or junk food. Prepare nutritional food at home. Include green vegetables, salads and fresh fruits in your diet. You must also include vegetable soups and juices in your daily diet. Choose fruits that are rich in antioxidant vitamins. A healthy, well balanced diet help you fight free radicals and slows down ageing process.

We all have heard it from our mothers and grandmothers that we should drink lots of water. Well I’ll go to an extent to say that you should drink at least 12-14 glasses of water daily. It flushes out toxins from our body that are accumulated because of poor diet. It will also enhance your skin’s complexion.

You should never step out of your home without applying your sun screen lotion. Make sure your sunscreen is at least SPF 15 or more. If your skin is exposed to direct UV rays, more are the chances of premature skin aging and skin cancer.

Stress is not only dangerous for your health, but for your skin too. You can deal with your stress by engaging yourself in activities like meditation, deep breathing, yoga and just closing your eyes.

Make sure you follow a good workout or exercise routine. It will improve your blood circulation, overall health and you will have a clear, glowing skin.

You must take your six-seven hours nap at night. Rest is not only important for your body, but is equally important for your skin. It avoids eye bags and dull skin.

Avoid late night parties, excessive intake of alcohol, drugs and smoking. These are the worst enemies of your body and skin. A healthy lifestyle is a must for a perfect looking skin.

Make sure you clean your makeup applicators at least once a week with a mild shampoo and lukewarm water. Rinse these tools well and let them dry.

Don’t squeeze, press or tweeze your pimples. Sure it could be tempting, but it will leave permanent scars on your face.
Don’t forget to wash your hands with antibacterial soap before applying any beauty products.

You should avoid wearing too much makeup as it will only clog your skin pores and suffocate your skin. Don’t forget the rule: less is more when it comes to makeup.

Every time you cleanse or wash your face, make sure you apply a good moisturizer on your face. Choose moisturizer that is appropriate for your skin type.

You should never go to your bed with full makeup on. Make sure you remove your makeup with a makeup remover.

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