Royal biographer thinks Meghan Markle and her friend mocked Queen Elizabeth in a birthday video

Royal biographer  Angela Levin thinks Meghan Markle and her friend   Melissa McCarthy mocked Queen Elizabeth in their video released on the 40th birthday of the Duchess of Sussex.

 “Both holding old fashioned cup and saucer-like Megan used in her blog after 1st meeting with [the] queen. Melissa sipping from the cup wearing fancy hat and gloves,” said Angela.

She added, “the mockery shows what she thinks of the Royal Family. She’s got what she wanted and is confident she can outsmart us all. We just have to wait for Harry’s outpouring in his memoir.”

Meghan Markle celebrated her 40th birthday on Wednesday with a light-hearted video and an appeal for people to mentor women trying to get back into the workforce.

The Duchess of Sussex teamed up with “Bridesmaids” actress Melissa McCarthy for the tongue-in-cheek video to launch her “40×40” initiative.

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