Mom Shares Heartbreaking Story as Falling in Love Takes a Turn When He Hits Her With a Deal Breaker

A year ago, I never would have imagined that thinking about My Big Fat Greek Wedding would make me teary. I’ve always loved the film, and my family, though Argentine Jews, found it relatable for its portrayal of a close-knit, loud, and party-loving family. So when I got a message on a dating app from a guy who joked that his family was like the one in the movie, I got excited.
We started dating in October, and our first date was filled with excitement as we discussed the similarities between Greek and Jewish cultures. By Thanksgiving, we were official, and I was introduced to his extended family at their Thanksgiving gathering—what I dubbed “My Big Fat Greek Thanksgiving.” Everything was going great, and we enjoyed a trip to my hometown, where he met my dad and brother’s family. He was open, communicative, and a great match, but there was one conversation that changed everything, reported by Buzzfeed.
His mother invited me to their family Christmas celebration on January 7, and I asked him if I would need to attend Mass, given my Jewish background. He hesitated, then told me I wouldn’t be allowed at Christmas Mass because “you’re Jewish.” I was stunned. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. This was the man I had connected with—someone who had communicated openly with me.
Feeling the need to ask the hard question, I followed up: “What happens if, far in the future, you were to marry a woman who is Jewish?” He explained that if she were Jewish, she would have to convert to Greek Orthodox; if she were Christian but not Greek Orthodox, she could be baptized.
I couldn’t accept the idea of converting—my Jewish identity was core to who I am. I had never imagined religion would be a dealbreaker, especially for someone I was falling in love with. But our differences in religious beliefs and practices were too significant to overlook. “I can’t convert,” I told him, and we both knew the relationship couldn’t continue.
I’ve always believed that relationships should be built on shared values and mutual respect, but I realized that when it comes to religion, it’s important to have those discussions early. I respect both my traditions and his, but I couldn’t compromise on such a foundational part of my identity. Breaking up was painful, but ultimately, I stayed true to myself.
When I start dating again, I’ll approach it with more thoughtfulness, especially about important issues like religion. It’s a boundary I know I have to define from the start. Maybe one day, I’ll even find My Big Fat Greek Wedding funny again.