Casey Anthony’s Looks Like She Chilling but Daughter’s Still Missing
In December 2008, 2-year-old Caylee Anthony’s remains were found five months after her disappearance. Now, as the 10th anniversary of Casey Anthony’s clearance in connection to Caylee’s murder propositions, but now some new details are revealing about the case.
In Lifetime’s upcoming true-crime series, Cellmate Secrets, Robyn Adams, Anthony’s former cellblock neighbor and friend, explains how Anthony responded when she was told her daughter’s body had been found.
In December 2008, nevertheless, after Caylee’s remains were discovered in a muddy area less than half a mile from Anthony’s home, Adams stated “she did not need those methods of communication to judge Anthony’s reaction”.
Adams told that “after the Orange County Sherriff’s Office found Caylee’s remains and Anthony was told the news”, “it was bad.” Anthony instantly had to be taken “to medical, because she couldn’t breathe. She was having an anxiety attack, a panic attack.”
Notwithstanding Adams’ claims, though, another subject of the docuseries observed Anthony’s reaction quite differently. Silvia Hernandez, a prison guard,
said that Anthony “didn’t act like a regular mother, where ‘oh they found my daughter and she’s dead?’ you know, crying, bawling.” From her point of view it seems, Hernandez told Anthony’s reaction was more somewhere in the lines of “‘oh, s–. I got caught.'”