Jill Biden Experiences Her Most Humiliating Public “FLOTUS” Moment Yet
It’s pretty apparent that the Biden crew is desperate to gain favor with Hispanics in any way possible after Joe’s border policies have created a humanitarian crisis of mass proportions.
But, the Biden who’s trying to save face now is Jill, and boy does she step in it big time.
During an event that honored Caesar Chavez, Jill spoke to a whopping crowd of 17 or so people, where she absolutely butchered the famous phrase amongst Hispanics: “Si Se Puede,” or “Yes we can.”
Jill apparently skipped her high school Spanish cause her pronunciation was an absolute mess and the phrase ended up sounding like “See Se Pawd Way.”
Check it out:
Me to my high school Spanish cohorts when we're sitting down to the final without studying at all. pic.twitter.com/LENk5LRzBQ
— Matt Whitlock (@mattdizwhitlock) April 1, 2021
This is absolutely cringe-worthy and many on Twitter also had a hard time watching this desperate pandering:
And that’s another thing…why are pro-immigration folks like Jill Biden even attending an honorary event for Caesar Chavez?
I mean, the guy absolutely hated immigration and open borders.
Are they aware of this inconvenient truth?
Madame Speaker you might wanna check Cesar Chavez’s views on illegal migrants — he hated open borders. https://t.co/eMEUjadmD5
— Steve Cortes (@CortesSteve) March 31, 2021
Every Democrat in Congress is honoring Cesar Chavez today, who was so opposed to illegal immigration that his UFW set up wet lines on the southern border to prevent them from entering the US
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) March 31, 2021
Love how liberals are celebrating the legacy of labor activist Cesar Chavez, who reported illegal immigrants to law enforcement for prosecution and deportation.
— Cassandra (@CassyWearsHeels) March 31, 2021
These people are so self-absorbed and out of the loop, that it’s practically comical at this point.
They’ve literally become walking, talking parodies of themselves.