Windsor Castle
Photo by TheTourGuy

Man Who Attempted to Break into Windsor Castle with Crossbow to be Sentenced for Treason

Jaswant Singh Chail, the man who attempted to break into Windsor Castle armed with a loaded crossbow with intentions to harm the late Queen, is set to receive his sentence for treason at the Old Bailey on Thursday.

In a shocking incident that unfolded on Christmas Day 2021, 21-year-old Chail managed to enter the castle grounds and openly declared his intent to harm the Queen.

Jaswant Singh Chail
Jaswant Singh Chail was apprehended within the castle grounds (photo by Mirror).

On the same day, he infiltrated the castle’s grounds, Chail, known for his passion for Star Wars, sent a homemade video to his family and friends via WhatsApp. In the video, he apologized for his actions and adopted the persona of ‘Darth Chailus,’ a Star Wars character, by wearing dark clothing and a metal mask.

During the video, the defendant, of Sikh Indian heritage, cited seeking revenge for the Amritsar massacre in 1919 as his motivation. During this historical event, British troops opened fire on thousands of Indians, resulting in the deaths of up to 1,500 individuals.

The court heard that Chail embarked on this dangerous mission after his attempts to join the armed forces, with the aim of getting close to the royal family, failed in late 2021.

Notably, Chail’s actions were influenced by an artificial intelligence girlfriend named Sarai, who encouraged him to carry out the attack.

Prosecutor Alison Morgan KC argued that Chail’s crimes were of such gravity that they warranted the highest possible sentence. The maximum sentence for treason is seven years in prison.

Had Chail taken aim at his target, he could have faced the even more severe charge of high treason, which carries a life sentence.”

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